Recently, we created and distributed a survey on The Future of Educational Publishing. We were very intrigued by the results of the authoring tool questions and thought we would share these results.
Authoring platforms have changed the face of content production. 58% of our survey respondents are using an authoring tool, 80% of them are satisfied with their current authoring tool.
We deduce that the use of an authoring platform as widespread as first theorized, but it is a significantly growing momentum for the creation of tablet, smartphone, and web content.
With an authoring tool, it’s easier, faster, and more efficient to adopt the digital-first strategy. The “Gutenberg Process” means moving from a print-first to a digital-first (and eventually print-second) workflow. 83% believe, it is a necessity for users of these tools to deliver high-quality product base on digital-first real time collaboration workflow, but the tool is not used by everyone.
68% respondents are happy with their authoring tool if they currently use one. An authoring tool becomes a very important part of the overall publishing strategy and the likelihood of changing an authoring tool is small.
When thinking of needs when integrating an authoring platform many respondents choose designing digital products (digital-first), followed by print versions (print-on-demand). On the other hand, an authoring platform offers a simultaneous publishing on digital and print. In other words, authors are able to easily create and reuse interactive content and enjoy the flexibility in a responsive design perfect for smartphones, tablets, and the web.
The new generations of authoring tool allow writers to think digital as soon as they begin to write their content.