A Path Forward for Scaling Course Creation in Higher Ed
Out of necessity, universities scrambled to go online during the pandemic, but it is becoming ever more clear that hybrid learning environments such as “flipped classrooms” have real upside potential..
Earth Day Reflections: What Does Sustainability Mean for the EdTech Industry?
COVID-19 spread around the globe in a matter of months, wreaking particular havoc on our most vulnerable communities. The pandemic's indiscriminate existence has resulted in a common sense of pain,..
The Digital First Opportunity and Change Management
Digital first is not a new concept, but in our current climate of rapid change, it is time to promote it from "nice to have" status to "must have." It is critical to appreciate its enormous potential..
Adaptive “Leadership”: A Recipe for Embracing Rapid Change
Adaptive leadership is not a new concept, but as a strategy for business growth and success, it has become more valuable than ever. The pandemic has stretched the limits of business and accelerated..
Managing Current Performance While Maximizing Future Opportunities
The “three horizons” framework arose from a years-long McKinsey & Company project, and continues to offer a relevant growth strategy for evaluating and managing both current and future business..
Five Ways GT’s Platform Can Help You Scale Your Certification Program
Manually building and scaling an online certification program is inefficient and messy. The content needed to develop certification materials often exist in multiple file formats such as Excel, PPTX,..
Leveraging your LMS For Better Student Outcomes
Educational administrators continue to struggle to stop the financial hemorrhaging that has resulted from the COVID-19 health crisis. A recent study suggests that a 15% reduction in entering..
Apply Continuous Integration to Your Publishing Workflow
In software engineering, developers practice a process called ‘continuous integration’ (CI), which means team members working on a project integrate code into a shared repository on a frequent basis,..
Introducing New Features: Reuse Educational Content at Scale
Higher Education institutions are natural content producers. Colleges and Universities need to address the digital learning needs of undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students across..
Mitigating the Spread: The First Step to Reopening the Production Floor
The first challenge that manufacturers face as they begin to reopen their facilities is determining the applicable guidelines. Regulations vary from country to country. States and provinces have..
The Importance of Culture and Leadership During Covid-19
How do you start your day? Do you take the time to center yourself over a cup of coffee? Or, is your mind spinning like an E5 tornado? Since Covid-19 officially became a pandemic, life has not been..
Increasing Operational Efficiency in the New Normal
A recent survey found the top three concerns of manufacturers in a post-COVID-19 world are: Financial Impact (71%) Global Recession (64%) Workforce and Productivity (41%) For most manufacturers, the..
Maximizing Customer Experience During COVID-19
At the end of 2019, everyone had predictions for the future. Some of the high-risk areas for manufacturing in 2020 were tariff wars, labor shortages, the pace of change, and cybersecurity. Before the..
Digital Transformation and Workforce Enablement
Businesses plan. They spend time crunching numbers, making projections, and setting goals. Three months into 2020 and those plans are of little use. No one could have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic...
3 Ways to Reverse Construction's Lagging Productivity
Worldwide, the construction industry employs about 7% of the world’s working-age population. It is one of the world’s largest economic sectors; yet, it is at or near the bottom on productivity..
5 Trends That Will Transform Machinery Manufacturing in 2020
As new technologies emerge, machinery manufacturers benefit from exciting new opportunities that allow them to reimagine their processes and operations. However, it can be difficult to decide which..